I don’t know about you, but I love poetry and the places it takes me, in what it evokes, especially in what it leads us to, but never states directly. Often more is said in the unsaid. Poetry speaks to soul and fiber, to the earth and sky and ethereal in me. In each of us. It takes the burdens of pure and only logic and tosses them out the door with their judgments, their holier than thou dry pronouncements, with their harsh edges and distinct lack of wholeness, which can never really reach into this heart’s truth. The heart, at least this heart, requires beauty and spirit and a touch of magic to mysteriously open to the wider realms of all that is here, to all that is within.

One of favorite times, and my practices into presence is early morning silence, a cup of coffee or tea, and reading poetry, particularly that of the mystics. The shhh…part of the day. Fairly well acquainted with Rumi, I’m venturing into an in depth connection with Hafiz, not to become a scholar, but more of a playmate. Letting the words and ideas inspire me or confuse me or make me burst out in laughter! Or with tears of recognition and knowing… holding hands together across the millennia.

Good poetry does that. It can drop kick you in the ass and carry you softly home afterwards, all in one fell swoop.

I will be sharing some of my journey with poetry with you, with pieces that touch me in that moment. I may comment upon it or I may not. Again, sometimes there is more said in the unsaid…

It’s my hope these bits and pieces of poetry (and art and song and…) speak to you as well, enticing you to play and dance together, bringing forth new awareness or shining light on what you already know deep inside yourself…

And perhaps it calls you to start your own practice? Or perhaps it inspires you to share your own sweet journey? So please share what you discover – who are your favorites? What poem is speaking to you? What piece of artistry? What song is inspiring you?

WE are tribe. WE are playmates.

Let’s play!